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Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I go to the dentist?

Every six months. This will ensure that your teeth and gums are well cared for and will prevent any possible diseases.

At what age should my child start going to the dentist?

Children should start going to the dentist at 2 years of age, so that they can learn good brushing techniques and get regular check-ups.

Is tooth whitening safe?

Yes. Clinical studies have shown that the chemicals used are safe for teeth and gums, provided they are used under the supervision of the dentist.

Can adults receive orthodontic treatment?

There is no age limit for realigning crooked or crowded teeth, provided the gums are clean and healthy. An adult can receive orthodontic treatment without any problems.

Should I go to the dentist if I am pregnant?

Oral disease will affect not only the mother, but also the baby. That is why it is advisable to make regular visits to the dentist.

What do I need to do to ensure good oral hygiene?

Brush your teeth three times a day for at least 2 minutes each time, floss correctly between all your teeth, and go to the dentist.